

Friday, August 30, 2013

Reflection is a beautiful thing!


It seems like just yesterday that we woke up bright & early for our first day of a new school year, sending Parker & McKenna off to 1st & 3rd grade. Now I sit here writing this blog post at the end of the month reflecting on all that’s taken place this month.
If you’re family is anything like ours, it’s busy! Life, although beautiful, seems to be passing by faster & faster… and time seems to quickly be slipping away. I have found myself here lately looking back and reflecting as I’ve been in my time with the Lord. Just to be pause and take time to be THANKFUL for all that He’s done, who He has been for us,  all that we’ve gotten to be apart of and just the blessing of this life.

We began the month with school starting on the 5th- the kids both got phenomenal teachers this year and we couldn’t be more thrilled! Definitely anticipating a great school year!

My birthday was July 30th, so we celebrated with some friends the first week of August with a belated 32nd birthday celebration at Sambuca in The Gulch! YUM!

Both of my boys had birthday’s the same week of school starting. 
Brian’s is August 7th and Parker’s is Augsut 8th.  
So grateful for the blessing of these two in my life!

 School lunch with the birthday Boy!! Parker turned 7!

 Parker's 7th birthday party!! Love this sweet boy!! 

Brian's birthday was August 7th! 

Bible Study
August was also the kick off of our Fall bible studies with Women's Ministry at LHBC! I am teaching Jennie Allen's study "Chase" on the life of David over the next 7 weeks and have a fabulous group of ladies on this journey with me this semester! 

Book Meetings, Edits & Printing: 
The ball really got rolling this month of Rachel & I’s book at Lifeway. We had several meetings about editing and marketing. And it went to print this week!! Again, so humbled and blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of something BIGGER than me! Still praying circles around this book and that God would SO choose to use it in a great way to impact the lives of girls and young women who pick it up!! 

Sneak peak at the cover.... :) 

Flag Football & Cheerleading
Parker has been dying to play flag football ever since he say my nephew play last year. He is so fired up and excited that his dad is his coach!! McKenna will being cheering for her brother in Upward cheerleading and is so excited about her uniform and pompoms! 
 McKenna & her BFF Sarah!

A little flag football practice

BIG Game Day
Two of our main high schools here in Hendersonville got the opportunity to play a televised game last Sunday on ESPN2!! That was such a cool memory for them & for the schools! Our church hosted a community wide tailgate event the night before and offered a worship service following for those who would be at the game Sunday morning. We always love to seize the opportunities to bring our community together even during a huge “rival” week of football! ;)

Beech football team at worship together.
Tailgate -- cheer squads from SCHS & BHS togeter.

This month we did a series entitled “Theology of a Teenager”… and we saw God do some powerful and amazing things in the lives of students through this series as we de-bunked the myths that they’ve bought into as we aligned them with the Word of God. From dating, to authority – it was pretty great stuff.


Brian’s parents visited:
Living 6 & 8.5 hours away from our family definitely isn’t easy, especially with how busy we are now that the kids are in school and the life of full time ministry- it makes it hard to get back home to visit family. This last weekend we were blessed to have Brian’s parents visit and the kids got to spend of quality time hanging out with them! Which they LOVE! We ate way too much… but it sure was fun getting to have them come stay the weekend with us.

"National Dog Day": 
Hilarious... but according to Instagram August 26th was National Dog Day. :) 
 I just had to add this cutie in this post because she's just so stinkin' cute!!! So grateful for the opportunity we had to "adopt" this sweet 3 year old yorkie, McKenzie, into our family last month! The kids and I are loving her! She's warming up to Brian! ;)  

Staff Retreat
Brian & I are so blessed to serve on the staff at Long Hollow Baptist Church. The leadership of our pastor, David Landrith along with his wife Jennifer is a true joy & honor to sit under. I have never met a pastor with a heart quite like David’s and we are so blessed at the investment that he has made in our lives as we have served together here at LH over these last 4, going on 5 years! This year we had a 24 hour retreat as a staff, where there was no agenda other than to focus on JESUS! David Nasser & Jay Strack came and spent that time pouring into us and what a special time it was. I always LOVE soaking it all that these two men have to say! Even though it was a quick (actually less than) 24 hour time together – we left filled. LOVE our staff, LOVE our church, LOVE the people we get to ‘do life with’, LOVE what all GOD is doing at LHBC!! My heart is full!

This month we’ve been adjusting back to our “school routine”… which I love. Don’t get me wrong, I love summertime too and having lazy days with my kiddos by the pool, (because let’s be honest, these early morning wake up calls for school are for the birds)! But after a few weeks it’s great to have a schedule again. To have time to hit the gym, to catch up with friends & students over coffee or lunch, to volunteer at the kids school, and to actual be caught up with laundry & have a ‘semi-clean’ home! J  It’s the blessing too of the daily “little things” to be thankful for.

Sometimes we can get so caught up in the busyness of life that we can sometimes miss the joys and blessings along the way. So before we begin a new month, maybe take some time to stop & reflect today… it’s a beautiful thing. A lot to be thankful for!

“Surely you have granted him eternal blessings & made him glad with the joy of your presence!” – Psalm 21:6
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8

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