

Monday, March 9, 2009

March MOPS meeting - Speaker Gina Warner

Tonight was our monthly MOPS meeting at church. I love this time because it's such a refreshing evening for me as a mother. I always leave encouraged and challenged to be a better mother! Tonight our speaker was Gina Warner...she was great!! She has four children of her own, three of which are now in college...
Here are some of my notes from tonight. They may seem "choppy" but I hope it can encourage anyone reading this in their parenting!

Things we can pass on to our children:

1.) GRACE... always give grace.
Grace means "to bend"... we need to be flexible but also relevant to our children...
**We need to pray that our home be "wallpapered" in Grace.
Some grace "killers" are, guilt, rage, high expectations, etc...
What they do does NOT determine WHO they ARE.
We need to instill in them an UNSHAKABLE identity in CHRIST.
Challenge: "Who am I, that can not be taken away from me?"... not that I am Brian's wife, or Parker & McKenna's mom, or a Housewife... because all those things can (God-forbid) be taken away from me at a what is left that is the Core of ME?!?!
I am a Daughter of The KING of KINGS!
**Do I believe that I am someone, that I want my kids to become... a legacy to leave behind in them???**
3.) FAITH.
-Faith is believing in something that we can not see.
-If I as their mother, believe in the Word of I live by it... will they, when the challenging times come, make their Faith their own?!?
-Can I pass these lessons in Faith on to them through my parenting?
- Do I live it?!?
-Build character in them... godly character that will withstand the hard/challenging times.
-The ability to be thankful in ALL circumstances...the good & the bad!

These G.I.F.T's are what Christ gave to us, that we should give daily to our children. To leave a rich heritage of Christ in our children for generations to follow.....Not just to attend church, but to have them rooted and bathed in


~Psalm 139~

1 comment:

mama said...

HEy girl..thanks for posting.. I missed last night but read all over facebook that Gena was FANTASTIC! I was wondering what I missed!! It sounds AWESOME!!