

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Parker's 4th birthday party!

We celebrated Parker's 4th birthday at our neighborhood pool with some of his friends and our great neighbors! Of course the theme was Toy Story... b/c of his love for Buzz & Woody right now! Here are some pictures from that fun day back on August 8th! Love my sweet boy and I can't believe how fast he's growing!!

 Cake with friends!


 Opening gifts.

 McKenna & Reagan

 Chloe & McKenna

 Parker & his "secret crush" Jailee
 (our middle school pastor's daughter)

 Pizza & cake time

Some of the men at the party. :) Love Shannon's face in this!


Celebrating my birthday!
Lunch in Little Rock at Pei Wei with my
 grandparents this summer! 

1 comment:

mackyton said...

I love his Parker's 4th birthday party! And the kids’ photo in the pool is really interesting. Well, our kids have the birthday in the winter so there is no chance of the pool party. I would simply be booking one of the kids’ special Chicago venues for the evening playful party for my son’s upcoming birthday.